I have exciting news and updates to share with you about our society! Over the last 6 months, the Executive Board, with your input, has worked diligently to set the 2019-2021 strategic direction for NASPOG. As a result of the strategic planning process, the Board refined our society’s mission statement and identified five strategic goals.
New Mission Statement:
The mission of NASPOG is to promote the study and clinical application of the neurobiologic and psychosocial aspects of women’s health and well-being across the life span.
Five Strategic Goals and Strategies:
1. Member Value: Establish programming, networking and services that solidify NASPOG’s unique value proposition
2. Balanced Membership: Achieve and foster a balanced representation of diverse expertise
3. Sustainability: Ensure a strong, focused, well-managed, and financially sound organization
4. Education: Improve access to education and information focused on the neurobiological and social determinants impacting women’s health across the life span
5. Research: Disseminate new knowledge, foster collaborations, and provide mentorship to further scientific inquiry
Taskforces have formed to advance each of these goals. Please consider joining one of these taskforces. If interested in serving, please email info@naspog.org.
2020 Biennial Meeting April 17-19, 2020 in St. Louis, MO:
As previously announced, our 2020 Biennial meeting is scheduled to take place in St. Louis. As you are aware, two weeks ago the governor of Missouri signed into law one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. The NASPOG Executive Board discussed this matter and decided to continue with plans to host the 2020 Biennial Meeting in St. Louis as an advocate for women’s health and a strong voice promoting the needs of women.
The meeting will be hosted in partnership with Washington University in St. Louis, and we look forward to seeing you in St. Louis. Please keep an eye out for the Call for Abstracts.
Thank you for being a valued member, and we look forward to continuing to serve your needs! Please email info@naspog.org or call 301-273-0572 with any feedback or questions.
Chiara Ghetti, MD, MSC
NAPOG President